10 Public Speaking Tips

12 Tips for Public Speaking

Public speaking — the one thing more feared than death among most of us. It may seem frightening, but fear of public speaking can be conquered. With practice and preparation, you’ll be comfortable in no time. Follow these public speaking tips before your next presentation.

1. Be prepared

Knowing your topic inside and out will give you the confidence to deliver your speech in an organized and detailed fashion. Even if you get off track, knowing your material well gives you the option of “winging it” and still sounding intelligible to the audience.

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.

— Arthur Ashe

2. Remember key points instead of memorizing every word

It is much easier to remember key points than specific words and sentences. As you’re speaking, use natural language to convey your message. By speaking naturally and not memorizing lines, your speech will sound less rehearsed. 

3. Practice, practice, practice

This one is obvious. The more you practice, the more you’ll remember. The more you remember, the more confident you’ll be on the big day.

4. Speak in front of the mirror

Speaking in front of a mirror allows you to see things from the perspective of the audience. Pay attention to body language, hand movements, and unique mannerisms. If needed, make adjustments to make your presentation more natural.

5. Give Your Speech to a Trusted Friend or Family Member

Trusted friends or family members will give you honest feedback. They’ll critique your speech in a productive manner without being too harsh.

6. Visualize success

Professional athletes do this all the time. Seeing yourself succeed in your mind will prepare your body for the real thing. Going through the motions in your head will give you the conscious and subconscious ability to perform at a high level.

7. Breathe deeply

Breathing deeply helps you relax. If you’re too nervous or tense, you may talk too fast or forget what you’re supposed to say. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.

8. Avoid talking too fast

Being too excited or nervous can cause you to talk too fast. Talking too fast sounds unnatural and prevents the audience from fully absorbing the information.

9. Engage the audience and spread your attention throughout the room

Maintain eye contact with the entire room. Don’t stay focused on one area or person. If it makes sense for your speech, allow the audience to ask questions or engage in the discussion.

10. Give yourself an honest assessment and make notes for next time

Practice makes perfect. Be sure to note what you did well and what you can do better next time. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but be honest about your performance. Learn from your mistakes and improve every time you give a speech.

About The Author

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As Founder of Handbook of Man, Tommy Murata helps men of all ages and backgrounds reach their full potential. A self-proclaimed renaissance man, he enjoys golfing, skiing, DIY projects, and learning new skills. When he’s not playing outdoors, Tommy enjoys learning web design and playing music.

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